New Website

I’ll start (hopefully not as I mean to go on) with a disclaimer: It’s not quite finished yet! But I’ve decided it’s finished enough for the time being. In the near future there will also be some educational resources in the form of transcriptions, analysis and various musical and technical exercises that I hope will be of interest and use to students and teachers alike. I’ll also post updates about upcoming gigs, recordings and album releases etc.

For now, my news is that I’m going to New York tomorrow, where I’ll be checking out gigs, catching up with old friends, and taking on all the food and coffee recommendations. Gigs already on the list to see while I’m out there include Tom Harrell, Scott Colley Quartet, Miles Okazaki Quartet, Linda Oh, the Vanguard Orchestra, and the Kevin Eubanks Quartet. I’m also hoping to have a few lessons while I’m out there. I’m sure I’ll have something interesting to share when I get back!

Until then, thanks for taking the time to look at my website.


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